Friday, October 24, 2008

a day in the ditches/Griftoberfest/York park

bike swap at the Veladrome

to the Trench

Dave's to-do list

curb dogs

waffle grip carbon footprints. lunar landslide.


some dudes from Long Island were there. we saw them at the Trench too. they must've been on a ditch tour like us.

then it was off to King's for the trifecta

the Trench's history goes back deeper than mine but I remember when King's was still freshly poured.

These are great days we're living my friends.

FDR update

progress on the peanut

en route to the 2nd annual Griftoberfest!

flea market at some senior citizen home. I was looking for a guitar.

wrong turn

this is right across the road from where we played kickball


lock up you daughters. this kid's got moves!

pin the tail on the Griffin

top right corner...stoked

I heard the York park gets packed on the weekends so I wanted to leave early

I got there just after 8:00 and there were already a bunch of kids there. I give the park 2 thumbs up. sorry the pics suck. it was frigid and I just wanted to skate

the bowl was brutal in the rising sun. whiteout to complete shadow. no depth perception what so ever.

there's a banked wall the runs the length of this section. you can't see it cuz like i said i was lazy and just wanted to skate. super fun though.

the Lancaster park blows but it breaks up the drive

midweek, predawn chain love. get some.

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